Running Analysis & Retraining

A variety of injuries can come about due to poor running technique: including shin splints, tendon injuries, recurrent muscle strains, hip joint pain, knee pain etc...


At Prime Physiotherapy we will assess you to determine the factors that  contributing to your running injury. This will involve:

  • video analysis of your running technique including:
    • landing pattern of the foot
    • lower limb joint alignment during stance and swing phases
    • cadence
    • pelvic and trunk stability 
  • lower limb and core strength assessment
  • relevant flexibility testing
  • joint range of motion assessment


Once we have the assessment findings, a tailored rehab plan will be provided to address the strength, flexibility and running technique issues found.


We will then put a plan in place to fix the issues found and give cues and advice on running retraining techniques. We will also collaborate with your running coach, personal trainer and anyone else involved in your running team to keep them informed of the recovery plan


Rehabilitation through strength and flexibility exercises as well as retraining running technique can not only improve pain but also improve performance for both speed and endurance.


Use the booking portal below to schedule your physio running assessment!